Using comforters for settling your baby
Some babies just love to get up close and cuddly with a soft toy or comforter when they’re going to sleep. Interestingly, the formal name for a soft toy is a ‘transitional love object’, because they help infants to make the emotional transition from dependence to independence. [1]

Sleep and Circle of Security Concepts
Strong relationships help children to build a sense of security so they can conserve their energy and grow to their potential. When children feel anxious and insecure, they are constantly watchful for what may happen and feel they need to protect themselves from harm.
Weighted blankets – are not safe for babies and young children
Weighted blankets are also called ‘calming’ or ‘sensory’ blankets and are often marketed as a sleep aid for babies and young children. Advertisers claim weighted blankets assist the child to go to sleep because they boost a sense of security and help them to calm. However, there is no evidence or proof that any of these claims are accurate. In fact, weighted blankets can be very unsafe and tragically, there have been babies and children who have died when being covered by a weighted blanket during their sleep.
Night weaning and phasing out night feeds
Babies are biologically adapted to need feeding around the clock – both day and night, to support their healthy growth and development. There does, however, come a magical point in time when babies are old enough and developmentally ready to stop needing to be fed overnight.