Safe sleeping during the day – why checking is important
Most parents are mindful of the importance of following the safe sleeping recommendations for their baby. Following these recommendations helps to reduce the risk of Sudden Unexplained Death in Infancy (SUDI) and to prevent sleeping accidents. Room sharing is also protective and reduces the risk of SUDI by up to 50%.
However, room sharing for day naps is a different matter to overnight when it’s easier for parents to check on their baby because they’re so close.

Sleep Tip 8 - Understanding our Toddlers and Sleep
Toddlers have a lot going on! It’s a time of great brain growth as they actively learn new things every day. It is also a time when they can be qui...
Looking after the wellbeing of dads
Many fathers report they find the whole process of labour and childbirth very confronting. Although most dads have done some research beforehand, the reality of the event and the following months of caring for a new baby, can come as quite a shock. Here are 10 tips for the wellbeing of dads during pregnancy, birth and early parenting.- Tags: dads fathers mental health parenting