Blog — sleep cycle

What is a Dream Feed and when should I introduce one?

What is a Dream Feed and when should I introduce one?

A dream feed is a rather lovely term for feeding a baby when they’re asleep. Lots of parents say that offering their baby a dream feed works really well, others feel it’s a waste of time. Some babies suck very well when they’re sleepy and others don’t.


Bake a cake and my baby is awake –  do you have a catnapper?

Bake a cake and my baby is awake – do you have a catnapper?

Catnapping – is the term referred to when babies sleep for one sleep cycle; often 20-40 minutes in duration. Quite simply you can cook a cake without putting the oven timer on; your baby is the timer!
It's Progression, Not Sleep Regression!

It's Progression, Not Sleep Regression!

Just when you think you've worked out your baby or toddler's sleep and some normality has finally returned, the wheels change and your baby or toddler has a turn of events; often coined as 'sleep regression'. Cindy Davenport, Co-Director of Safe Sleep Space helps us understand what is really going on.
How To Cope When Your Child Stops Day Sleeping

How To Cope When Your Child Stops Day Sleeping

The problem is that when toddlers drop their day sleep, they pick up their Mr Hyde personality on the way through. Have you ever had to deal with a small, tired child at 4 or 5pm? It’s like upsy-down town has replaced reality. No means yes and yes means no. Tantrums and tears can erupt at the smallest provocation.